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Anne Bradbury is CEO of the American Exploration & Production Council (AXPC) whose membership is composed of 28 of America’s premier independent natural gas and oil exploration and production companies. Anne joined AXPC from the Duberstein Group, where she was a Partner. Prior to the Duberstein Group, Anne served as a top leadership aide for over a decade for some of the most important leaders in Congress. Anne served as Floor Director to two successive Speakers of the House of Representatives: House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH). In her capacity as Floor Director, Anne guided the House majority’s floor operations and advised the entire Republican leadership team on legislative strategy and policy development. Anne’s role as one of the Speaker’s most important advisers was expansive, from serving as the Speaker’s liaison to the House Rules Committee and Senate floor staff, to advising the entire House Republican leadership team, House committees, its members and staff on the rules and procedures of the House of Representatives. As one of the top legislative strategists and technicians in Congress, Anne was instrumental in the implementation and adoption of major rules packages and legislative initiatives ranging from reforms to national security and intelligence policy to health care, energy, transportation, trade, education and energy policy initiatives introduced and passed by the House of Representatives. Anne managed the floor elections for Speaker of the House a total of four times, helping elect House Speaker John Boehner three times and House Speaker Paul Ryan to his first term. Prior to her role as Floor Director for Office of the Speaker, Anne served as Deputy Floor Director in the Office of the Majority Leader and the Office of the Minority Leader. Prior to joining the leadership staff of those offices, Anne served as Legislative Director to Rep. Charles Boustany (R-LA). Anne also serves on the board of the Congressional Institute and the Eluna Network.
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