Registration for #NCEW24 is officially OPEN!

Lindsey Baxter Griffith is a policy and advocacy expert on climate and clean energy issues, which led her to found Clean Tomorrow. Until recently, she was the Executive Director of CATF Action, where she led the development of policy platforms and political strategy in the United States around climate and clean technology innovation. She and her team worked extensively on the content and passage of clean energy tax provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act, clean energy hubs and other major energy demonstration investments in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, and reauthorization of key programs in the Energy Act of 2020. Lindsey previously served as the energy, environment, and climate policy advisor to Edward J. Markey of Massachusetts in the United States Senate, where she authored and negotiated the Green New Deal. Before that, she served as Chief of Staff for Energy Policy and Systems Analysis at the Department of Energy, where she was the resident expert on international electricity and climate regulations. Lindsey has been a fellow at Georgetown’s Institute for the Study of Diplomacy and worked on the Millennium Challenge Corporation’s Climate Change Initiative. Outside of her professional career, Lindsey currently serves as a trustee and director on the board of Andrus-on-Hudson, a non-profit skilled nursing facility serving long-term elderly care patients in New York. She and her family live on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC.



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