The Honorable Mark W. Menezes is President and Chief Executive Officer of the United States Energy Association. Through its membership, USEA represents 150 members across the U.S. energy sector from the largest Fortune 500 companies to small energy consulting firms. In his role, Mr. Menezes represents the broad interests of the U.S. energy industry and interacts with domestic and international leaders to advance knowledge and seek partnerships to develop and enhance energy infrastructure worldwide. The Honorable Mark W. Menezes is a nationally recognized energy attorney. As the immediate past Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Energy, former senior executive with two major energy companies, and former Congressional Committee Chief Counsel, he’s a strategic advisor to Wall Street, businesses, and policymakers. Mark W. Menezes is the founder of Global Sustainable Energy Advisors LLC, a strategic advisory firm to energy, technology and defense organizations. Mr. Menezes is an Adjunct Professor at Georgetown Law School teaching courses on energy law, policy, and climate change. He is a former Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Energy, confirmed by the US Senate in a bipartisan vote of 79-16. As Deputy Secretary, he served as the Chief Operating Officer over an agency with 120,000 employees and contractors, a $34 billion budget, and management responsibilities of the 17 national labs, the nation’s nuclear weapons programs, and its environmental cleanup obligations from the Manhattan Project. Prior to being confirmed as Deputy Secretary, Mr. Menezes served as Under Secretary of Energy, receiving confirmation of the US Senate by voice vote. As Under Secretary, he was responsible for directing transformative energy progress and technology development through coordinated policy and budget planning, management, and innovation.
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